SEE 2075 (2019)
Compulsory Social Studies
Group 'A'
Write very
short answer of the following questions. 7x1=7
1. Write your opinion for or against on federalism that contributes
in the local development in a sentence.
2. Justify anyone benefit of development proposal formulation at
local level.
3. 'Martin Luther King was the keen supporter of equality and
freedom'. Justify it in a sentence.
4. Prove the rationale of establishing S.O.S. Children Village in a
5. What was the immediate cause of World War I?
6. Mention any one strategy introduced by 14th periodic plan to
promote tourism.
7. When had Nepal got membership of the UNO?
Group 'B'
Write short
answer of the following questions. 10x4=40
8. Write any four characteristics of Human Resource Management.
9. "End poverty in all its forms everywhere." Mention any
four measures to achieve this goal of sustainable development.
10. State any four roles to be performed by citizens to preserve our
social norms and values.
11. Mention your opinion about the contribution made by Plan Nepal to
promote the rights of the children in Nepal.
12. Identify the necessity of constitutional organs in democratic
nations like Nepal. Write in four points.
13. What sorts of geographical structure and climate would you
experience while you have been to Caribbean sea, northern part of South America
to Cape horn, the southern part of it? Write in four points of your findings.
14. Write the social and economic activities of Africa Continent in
four points.
15. Present the events from 2017 BS to 2046 BS in time line.
16. You must have visited any hydroelectricity project of Nepal.
Prepare a short report about your visit by using following subtitles.
(Topic and Introduction)
17. Name any four specialized organization of the UNO and introduce
them in short.
Group 'C'
Write long
answer of the following questions. 4X7=28
18. "National Natural Resource and Finance Commission is the
distinct organ among all constitutional organs in context of present
Nepal." Justify it in seven points.
19. Draw a full- page map of Nepal and insert the following facts
using appropriate symbols.
(Mt. Khumbhakarna), (Kusma), (Chhinnamasta
Temple), (Khaptad National Park)
Draw an outline map of South America and insert
the following facts.
(Atacama Desert), ufogf pRre"ld (Guiana
Highland), (Mt. Aconcagua), (Rio-De Jenerio)
20. What is political change? Explain with example. "The
political change according to people's wish and desire will bring social and
economic change in a country." Explain this saying in four points.
21. Evaluate economic and social effects of foreign employment in
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SEE 2075 (2019)
Compulsory Social Studies
Group 'A'
Write very
short answer of the following questions. 7x1=7
1. Clarify in a sentence about the tourism potentiality of Karnali
2. Write any two measures to produce skilled human resources.
3. Write the importance of constitutional day in a point.
4. What can be the roles of local government to regulate the
activities of international non-government organizations? Write two roles.
5. Write down any two functions performed by the care taker
government formed under the chairmanship of Subrana Shamsher.
6. Prepare an attractive slogan to promote the tourism.
7. Mention any one positive aspect of globalization.
Group 'B'
Write short
answer of the following questions. 10x4=40
8. "Poverty alleviation is necessary for sustainable
development." How? Clarify in four points.
9. Is there any feeling of lack of the skilled manpower or not while
launching the development projects at local level in your community? Why?
Mention your evaluation toward this context in four points.
10. How should we honour and assist the senior citizens by the state
and family members in this modern situation? Mention your constructive suggestions
in four points.
11. How do you solve those social problems if you are given the
responsibility which you have identified during your study period? Mention any
four problems and ways to solve of them.
12. What procedure should a voter fulfil before voting? As a polling
officer, write your suggestions to the voters.
13. Note the role of state regarding natural disaster reduction,
precaution and awareness in four points.
14. Why is Africa continent called backward continent? Write any two geographical
features of this continent.
15. Why should we protect the historical places of Nepal? Present your
views in four points.
16. Write the roles that the state should play for making more successful
and effective of co-operatives activities.
17. Make a list of organs of the UNO and introduce any two of them.
Group 'C'
Write long
answer of the following questions. 4X7=28
18. 'A Nation can be prosperous only by the co-ordinating role of
legislative, executive and judiciary.' Analyse this statement.
19. Draw a full- page map of Nepal and insert the following facts
using symbols.
(Chame), (River Tamor), (Lake Ghodaghodi)
Draw a map of South America Continent and
insert the following facts.
(Georgetown), (Gulf of San Jorge), (Mt.
Cotopaxi), (Campos)
20. Present the list of major similarities and differences between the
Panchayat period and 2059-2062 B.S. period in Nepal.
Analyze the necessity of E-banking and its
present condition in Nepal.
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