Friday, July 26, 2019

Health Tips: What is Uric Acid and how to control it?

Health Tips: What is Uric Acid and how to control it?
What is Uric Acid and how to control it?
Uric acid is a serious disease that makes life difficult for anyone who gets it.  If your body is increasing the amount of uric acid, it can be very dangerous.  If your kidney fails for some reasons, it cannot filter the blood properly, and the capability of the filtration is reduced, then the urea in your body is converted to uric acid. And this uric acid starts accumulating between the joints of your bones. Most of the uric acid produced in our body is filtered through both our kidneys, and it is released through urination.
Symptoms of uric acid
Increased levels of uric acid in the body can cause rapid swelling of your body muscles. Where your bones are folded, there is often more pain, and with uric acid growth you get diseases like arthritis gout. There are many symptoms of uric acid in the body like swelling of your joints and swelling of your thumb, lumps in your joints, severe pain in those joints. Climbing stairs or sitting up hurts a lot in the joints. Even if you sit in a place for a long time, you have very severe pain.
Measures to reduce uric acid
1.    First of all, consider what foods can increase your uric acid, avoid eating all such foods.
2.    Drink as much water as possible during the day.
3.    Consume foods that contain vitamin ‘C’ , such as oranges and lemons.
4.    Drink bottle gourd juice daily, be sure to take 2 to 4 weeks.
5.    Apple vinegar and cherry juice are very beneficial in uric acid.
6.    Consume as much fibre-rich food as possible.
7.    Don't eat food made in bakery, such as bread, toast, butter pastries, cookies and
8.    If you work out daily, it can also control the increased uric acid in the body.
Keep these things in mind.
It is important to prevent the increase in uric acid levels, but you need to know the reasons for its growth before you can control it.
1.    Drinking more water during the day helps to get the uric acid out of your body through urination.
2.    If possible, drink at least 3 to 4 litres of water a day.
3.    If you have this problem genetically, it can be controlled anyway.
4.    If you have any problems in your body, specially kidney function, consult a good doctor.
5.    You can reduce the increased uric acid in the body by taking oatmeal, spinach, broccoli, etc.
6.    Don't take bakery food as far as possible. Bakery foods are very good in taste, but they are very high in sugar content. Also, intake begins to increase the amount of uric acid in the body very fast.
7.    If you want to reduce uric acid, skip eating pastry cake cookies.
8.    If you cook food in olive oil, you can control uric acid. Because it is rich in vitamin ‘A’ which makes food rich in nutrients.
9.    Consume as much cherries as possible, as the cherries contain anti-inflammatory elements. They control the amount of uric acid in the body.
10. Take more of vitamin ‘C’ in food. You should start consuming more vitamin ‘C’ in your diet. If you consume a lot of vitamin ‘C’ every day, it will control your body's uric acid content.
11. Avoid eating chicken and mutton.  If you're fond of nonvegetarian food, you'll need to abstain for a few days.
12. Avoid eating chicken, mutton and fish in case of growing uric acid. Fish and meats increase the amount of uric acid in your body very fast.
13. Do not consume alcohol. If you consume alcohol, your body will increase the amount of uric acid very fast. That is why you should not consume alcohol.
14. Beer is rich in yeast, so avoid it. However, wine does not affect uric acid levels as much

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