Friday, October 4, 2019

Social Studies Note for Grade X (FOLK SONGS OF NEPAL- Unit- 3)

Social Studies Note for Grade X ( FOLK SONGS OF NEPAL- Unit- 3)
Social Studies Note for Grade X
A traditional song originating among the people and has been passed down orally from one to the next is called folk song. Folk songs are sung in local tunes using traditional musical instruments. They are sung in different occasions, festivals, ceremonies and other ritual.

Different communities have their own folk songs. The folk songs may differ according to race, religion, culture, and place. So, they also represent specific region, occasion or community.

Songs and Occasions
a.    Deusi song- Tihar  
b.    Malashree song – Dashain
c.    Teej song- Teej  
d.    Asare song – During sowing paddy
e.    Sakela Silee – During Udhauli / Ubhauli
Songs and Community
a.    Palam - Limbu
b.    Syabru - Sherpa
c.    Selo - Tamang
d.    Kaura - Magar
e.    Karkha – Gandharba
Songs and Regions:
a.    Hakpare song- Eastern region of Nepal
b.    Deuda song- Province No. 7 of Nepal
c.    Hori or Maithili song- Terai region
d.    Newari song - Kathmandu Valley
e.    Kaura song - Middle hill of western Nepal
Nepal is a rich country in terms of cultural heritage. Varieties of folk songs sung in different place and context have given the identity of Nepali culture among others. They have added to the glory of the country. They depict the originality and distinctness of Nepali culture.

Nowadays folk songs are sung in a professional way in the market and are gaining popularity. Such songs are also sung as Dohori Geet. The following are some examples of our folk songs:
a.    Tamang Selo:
This is a folk song sung by the Tamang people living in middle hilly region of Nepal especially in different districts of Province No.3
b.    Purbeli Folk Song:
This song is sung in the eastern part of Nepal while working in the farm, collecting firewood, fodder for cattle, etc.
c.    Hori Song:
This song is sung in Mithila region of eastern Terai of Nepal. This song is based on the character of Lord Ram and Sita. It is sung on the occasion of Holi.
d.    Teej Song:
This song is sung by the Hindu women on the festival of Teej.
e.    Deuda Song:
This is a folk song sung in the province No.7 on the occasion of different festivals.
f.     Palam Song:
This is a folk song sung by Limbu community. It is one of the popular songs in hilly region of eastern Nepal.
In addition to these, there are many more folk songs in Nepal. Jyaure songs, Thado Bhaka, Balan song, Sorathi song, etc. are some other examples. Generally folk songs are based on sorrow, love, romantic moment, message, etc. The folk song reflects or represents the culture of contemporary society. They originate according to the culture, lifestyle and tradition of certain place.

Though the folk songs are very important national asset, they are not getting much priority. Because of the influence of foreign media, new generation is mostly attracted towards the foreign songs. Common people are also not able to pay attention towards it due to their busy lifestyle and availability of modern means of entertainment. It is the duty of everyone to preserve and promote folk songs. We can preserve folk songs by the following ways:
a.    Encouraging different communities to preserve their folk songs
b.    Organizing folk song singing competitions
c.    Formulating and implementing policy to preserve and promote folk songs
d.    Adding quality in folk songs' lyrics, singing and tunes to match the contemporary interest, and
e.    Making the provision of royalty and respect to creators.
Importance of Folk Songs
a.    Folk songs are our identity and pride.
b.    They are the ways of expressing love, romantic moment, message or sorrow.
c.    They are the means of refreshment to kill leisure time, tension and tiredness.
d.    They introduce our cultural diversity in the world community and help in the
e.    tourism development.
f.     They provide fields for the research and study.
g.    They maintain social harmony as people together sing folk songs.

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