Friday, October 4, 2019

Social Studies Note for Grade X (Our National Days - Unit- 3)

Social Studies Note for Grade X (Our National Days - Unit- 3)
Social Studies Note for Grade X
Lesson- 5
Our National Days
National days are the special days which are observed nationwide. These days are with various important events such as great revolution, achievements, or they are dedicated to some special persons. Nepal has gone through several important changes and even in history. So, in order to remember such important events, the Government of Nepal has decided to observe several days as national days. The national days are our national festivals and they should be observed not only for the sake of observation but according to the main spirit of the day.
Some National Days of Nepal
Martyrs' Day:
One who sacrificed their life in various movements launched to establish democracy and civic rights is called a martyr. Every year we observe Martyr's Day on 16th of Magh by offering garlands and flowers, organizing rally, speech program, blood, etc. From 10th of Magh to 16th of Magh. These seven days are observed as Martyr's week in memory of four martyr Shukra Raj Shastri, Dharma Bhakta Mathema, Ganga Lal Shrestha and Dashrath Chand and others who sacrificed their life to end the autocratic Rana regime and establish democracy in Nepal. To commemorate the contribution of those martyrs, statues of four martyrs have been kept at Sahid Gate near Tundikhel, Kathmandu and Sahid Park of Hetauda.
Children's Day:
We observe 29th of Bhadra as Children's Day. The UN General Assembly adopted the Convention on Child Rights on 20th November, 1989 AD and Nepal ratified it on 14th September, 1990 AD (29th Bhadra 2047 BS). So, to commemorate the day, we observe 29th Bhadra as the Children's Day. Various programmes regarding children are conducted on this day. Children's rally, speech program, sports program and other programs to create awareness about child right are conducted throughout the country on that day.
Constitution Day:
The Constitution of Nepal was promulgated and implemented on 3rd Asoj 2072 BS. So, this day is observed as the Constitution Day.
Democracy Day:
The Rana rule was ended and democracy was introduced on 7th Falgun 2007 BS. To remember that day, every year on the of Falgun, we observe the Democracy Day. On this day, programmes like rallies, competitions, afforestation, sanitation, blood donation, distribution of various items to the needy etc. are done.
Education Day:
Every year on World Literacy Day we observe Education Day in Nepal. It falls on 8th September. Those who have given great contribution in the field of education are awarded with various prizes on this day. Similarly, medals are awarded to those who have completed Ph.D., topped in Masters, Bachelor and other levels by the head of the state. On this day, various programmes are organized by Ministry of Education, different universities and educational institutions.
International Women’s Day:
Every year on 8th March we observe international Women's Day. The women civil servants are given holiday in govemment offices on this day. Various programmes are organized to aware the people about the woman's education, their rights and equal opportunity to them. Since the United Nations General Assembly invited member to proclaim 8th March as the UN Day for women's rights and world peace, International Women's Day was first observed on 8th March as a popular event after 1977 AD.
International Labour Day:
Every year, May 1st  is observed as the International Labour Day. It is also called Mai Divas. Nepal has started to observe this day as the National Day after the establishment of Loktantra in 2063 BS. It is a public holiday and on this day, various programs are organized for the welfare and prosperity of labourers.
Republic Day:
15th Jesth is observed as Republic Day in our country. The first meeting of Constituent Assembly had declared Nepal as a republican state by ending monarchy on 15th Jesth, 2065 BS.

Celebrating National Day is an important event because it makes the common people familiar about the various important events of history and different achievements the country has made. As we have general practice of giving holiday on the occasion of National Days, a large number of illiterate people do not know the importance of such days. It is better to organize various programmes throughout the country in both government and local level. People should be made aware about the day. For this, media like radio, television, newspapers, etc. can play an important role. These means of communication should highlight the celebration of National Day by publishing and highlighting the news about the days. March, procession, seminar, etc. should be organized throughout the country. Government, non-government organizations, school, college etc. should conduct the programmes related to National Days instead of giving holiday.

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