Causes of the Rise and Downfall of Panchayat System
Panchayat system was a party-less autocratic political system. King Mahendra abducted the democracy on 1st Poush, 2017 BS and started Panchayat system on 22nd Poush, 2017 BS. It continued for about 30 years and was ended by People's Movement of 2046 BS on 26th Chaitra, 2046 BS.
Causes of the Rise of Panchyat System
Although the democracy was introduced in Nepal by ending the Ranarchy in 2007 BS, people could not get full rights instead it legitimated another family rule in the form of Monarchy.
- Elected constituent assembly didn't formulate the constitution.
- Delhi Agreement was not implemented.
- Kings concentrated only in acquiring power and confusing people.
- Political parties lacked enough experience and maturity.
- King Mahendra did not have faith on democracy and was ambitious to be a powerful King.
- The parliamentary system was new for Nepal.
- There were illiteracy, lack of political consciousness, breakage in political parties, foreign interest and interference, corruption and slowness in the administration, etc.
Causes of the Downfall of Panchayat System
- Panchayat System was fully centralized unitary system.
- It was an autocratic rule and the lower bodies had to obey everything instructed from the higher bodies.
- Freedom, fundamental rights and human rights were hindered.
- There was dissatisfaction in people against the Panchayat system because the literacy and awareness was increasing in them.
- Those who opposed corrupt activities of the government used to be suppressed.
- Corruption increased, the executers of this system were more active to get power rather than public and national issues.
- Political parties got united against the Panchayat system and agreed to launch movement from 7 the Falgun, 2046 BS against it.
- People also supported the political parties. They involved in the movement. There were strikes everywhere.
Ultimately, King Birendra made a proclamation on radio on 26th Chaitra, 2046 BS and declared the end of Panchyat system and restoration of democracy.
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