Saturday, July 13, 2024

Class 7 English || Unit 3 Solution || Kisa Gotami and the Mustard Seed

Unit: 3

Class 7 English || Unit 3 Solution || Kisa Gotami and the Mustard Seed

Kisa Gotami and the Mustard Seed

A. Find the words from the text above and match to the meanings below.

a. gave sympathy to somebody - consoled

b. a ceremony for burying/burning a dead person - funeral

c. an area of land where dead people are buried - graveyard

d. a way of improving a difficult situation - remedy

e. sitting in silence in order to make the mind calm - meditating

f. sure/certain to happen - inevitable

B. Answer the following questions.

a. Did Kisa love her son? How do you know?

Ans- Yes, Kisa loved her son. We know this as she was devastated by his death and refused to accept it.

b. What did she not accept?

Ans- She did not accept that her son had died.

c. What help did she first ask for from the neighbours?

Ans- She first asked for help to bring her son back to life.

d. Why did she not prepare for her son's funeral?

Ans- She did not prepare for her son's funeral because she refused to accept his death.

e. What did the old man advise Kisa to do?

Ans- The old man advised Kisa to go to Gautam Buddha.

f. What was Gautam Buddha doing when Kisa saw him?

Ans- Gautam Buddha was meditating under a Peepal Tree.

g. What request did she make with Gautam Buddha?

Ans- She requested Gautam Buddha to restore her son back to life.

h. What did Gautam Buddha tell Kisa to do?

Ans- Gautam Buddha told Kisa to bring him a handful of mustard seeds from a house where no one had died.

i. Did Kisa find a house where no one has ever died?

Ans- No, Kisa did not find a house where no one had ever died.

j. What did Kisa finally learn?

Ans- Kisa finally learned that death is a natural part of life and everyone experiences it.


A. Who said these sentences?

a. Will you please help me? - Kisa Gotami to Gautam Buddha

b. Would you please use them to restore my son back to life? - Kisa Gotami to Gautam Buddha

c. Well! Kisa. I think I can help you. - Gautam Buddha to Kisa Gotami

d. Could you please lend me a handful of mustard seeds to bring my son back to life? - Kisa Gotami to her neighbor

e. Yes, I can surely do that. - Kisa Gotami's neighbor to Kisa Gotami

B. Requests and Responses


- Can you show me your photo album please?

- Will you lend me your book please?

- Could you show me the way to the post office please?

- Would you help me with this exercise please?


- Sure, here you are.

- No, I'm sorry I need it.

- I'm afraid I can't.

- I'd love to but I'm busy today.

- Of course.


A. Study the following sentences. When do you use them?

Will you help me please? - This is a direct request for help, often used when you need immediate assistance.

I would like a drink please? - This is a polite way to express a desire for something, often used in restaurants or shops.

Would you mind turning off the music please? - This is a polite request to someone to do something, often used when you want to make a suggestion or request without sounding too direct.

Could you pass the juice please? - This is a polite request for someone to give you something, often used at a table or during a meal.

Can you pass the salt please? - Similar to the previous sentence, this is a polite request for someone to give you something.

B. Which is correct? Tick the correct one in each pair.

a. Could you please send me the money?

b. Could you help me please?

c. I would like a drink.

d. She would like a coffee.

e. Could you please bring my keys?

f. Can I have another drink please?

C. Complete the sentences with will, would, can or could.

a. He ran as fast as he could.

b. She could swim when she was just five.

c. Raju can speak six languages.

d. I don't think I will pass the test.

e. He failed the test because he could answer only two questions.

f. He said that he would help but he didn't.

g. You can borrow my car if you want.

h. Who will cook dinner today?

i. Would you like to dance with me?

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