Friday, July 19, 2024

Class 7 English || Unit 4 Solution || Birthday Celebration

Class 7 English || Unit 4 Solution || Birthday Celebration
Unit 4, Birthday Celebration

A. Complete the following sentences with the words from the box.

a. I know him well. I've met him on several occasions.

b. All are attending the meeting. Your presence is also expected.

c. I can't forget my last birthday. It was a truly memorable event for me.

d. My father bought me a mobile phone on my birthday. It was a big surprise for me.

e. They put their arms around each other and hugged.

f. Nitu started the song and everyone joined in the chorus.

B. Answer the following questions.

a. To whom was this email written?

Ans- The email was written to Sangita.

b. When was Niru's birthday?

Ans- Niru's birthday was on 15th Jeth 2078.

c. What woke Niru up on her birthday?

Ans- Niru was woken up by her family singing a special song for her.

d. What gift did Niru get from her cousins?

Ans- Niru received a big box full of chocolates and a CD of her favourite singer from her cousins.

e. Who did she get the message from?

Ans- Niru received the message from Heena.

f. Why did Heena message Niru to go to her house?

Ans- Heena messaged Niru to invite her to her house for a surprise party.

g. What was the surprise for Niru at Heena's house?

Ans- The surprise was a birthday party with balloons, flowers, and all of Niru’s friends.

h. What did they do at Heena's house to celebrate the occasion?

Ans- They celebrated by singing, cutting the cake, having a delicious meal, dancing, and enjoying themselves.

C. Suppose you are Sangita. How will you respond to Niru? Write a reply email to her.

Subject: Re: My Birthday Celebration

Hi Niru,

Thank you for sharing your wonderful birthday celebration with me! It sounds like you had an amazing time with your family and friends. I’m so glad to hear that Heena’s surprise party was a big hit and that you enjoyed the chocolates, CD, and all the festivities. I’m sorry I couldn’t be there to celebrate with you, but I’m looking forward to catching up soon.

Let’s plan to meet up so you can tell me all about it in person. Congratulations on your special day, and I hope this year brings you even more joy and fun!

See you soon!



Grammar II

A. The past forms of the following verbs are given in the email above. Find and write them.

celebrate - celebrated
gift - gifted
want - wanted
shout - shouted
is - was
have - had
tell - told
hug - hugged
reach - reached
buy - bought
ask - asked
give - gave
wake up - woke up
cut - cut
come - came
dance - danced
sing - sang
start - started
open - opened
receive - received
enter - entered
enjoy - enjoyed
arrive - arrived
say - said
see - saw
miss - missed
make - made
know - knew
are - were

B. Study the following sentences.

a. I met him in 2015 AD.

b. We went to Pokhara for our last holiday.

c. They got home very late last night.

d. We swam a lot while we were on holiday.

e. I saw him last one month ago.

f. Did you meet my father?

g. Where did you go yesterday?

h. They didn't go to Pokhara last year.

C. Complete the sentences with the past simple forms of the verbs in the brackets. Use negative forms where needed.

a. The old man took out his purse and paid the bill.

b. The nurse put the little boy on the bed and spoke to him softly.

c. They heard the fire alarm and ran out of the building.

d. Did you remember to buy the salt?

e. Did I say anything wrong?

f. I called the waiter but she didn’t hear me.

g. I saw Sani in the supermarket but we didn’t talk.

h. She spent all the morning in the bookshop, but in the end she didn’t buy anything.

i. They cut off our telephone because we didn’t pay the bill.

j. It was very hot, so I took a bath two times yesterday.


A. How do you give your best wishes in the following situations?

a. Happy Birthday! I hope you have a fantastic day filled with joy and surprises.

b. Enjoy your holiday! I hope you have a relaxing and fun time away.

c. Good luck on your exam! I know you’ll do great and ace it.

d. Happy Lhosar! May the new year bring you happiness, success, and good health.

B. What wish do you make in the following situations? Tell your friends.

a. I wish I were taller so I could reach things more easily.

b. I wish to be rich so I can help others and live comfortably.

c. I wish to have a big house where all my friends and family can visit.

d. I wish my neighbors were nicer so we could have a more friendly community.

e. I wish to have a different English teacher who makes learning more fun.

f. I wish to live for 100 years so I can experience many things and see my loved ones grow.

g. I wish to have a younger brother so I can have a sibling to share things with.

h. I wish to pass my exams with flying colors so I can achieve my academic goals.

Writing II

Which events do you celebrate at your school: Children's Day, Democracy Day, School Day, etc? Choose one and recall how it was celebrated last year. Write a paragraph about it. Use past tense.

Last year, our school celebrated Children's Day with great enthusiasm. The day began with a special assembly where teachers performed songs and skits just for us. There were games and activities organized throughout the day, including sack races and painting competitions. We also enjoyed a delicious lunch provided by the school. The highlight of the day was when the principal gave out awards and certificates for various achievements. Everyone had a fantastic time, and it was a wonderful way to appreciate and celebrate all the students.

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