Friday, July 19, 2024

Class 7 English || Unit 6 Solution || The Circus Elephant

Class 7 English || Unit 6 Solution || The Circus Elephant
The Circus Elephant

A. Find the rhyming words for these from the poem.

a. fight - night

b. pill - fill

c. play - away

B. Are the following statements true or false? Write True or False.

a. The circus elephant walks round the ring each night. True

b. They want to stay in the forest. True

c. They are free at the circus. False

d. The children are happy to see the elephant's tricks. True

e. The circus elephant should be set free. True

C. Have you ever been to a circus? If yes, what types of things did you see there? If no, what types of things do you think you will find at the circus? Talk to your friends.

I went to a circus once. There were acrobats swinging through the air and performing incredible stunts. Clowns made everyone laugh with their silly tricks and funny costumes. I saw elephants doing amazing tricks, like balancing on balls, and lions jumping through hoops. The colorful tents and bright lights made the whole place feel magical, and there was music playing that added to the excitement. It was a lively and unforgettable experience!


Grammar II

A. Study the following sentences.

a. If the circus elephant is freed, it will walk to the jungle.

b. If the elephant walks to the jungle, it will find its friends.

c. If the elephant finds its friends, it will become happy.

d. If the elephant becomes happy, I will be happy too.

B. Choose the correct response for each of the sentences.

a. If you …………. greasy food, you will become large. i. eat

b. If your sister goes to Paris, she …………. a good time. ii. will have

c. If he …………. that, he will be sorry. ii. does

d. If I leave now, I …………. in Kathmandu by 8:00 p.m. i. will arrive

e. You …………. on your test if you don't study. i. won't do well

f. They won't know the truth if you …………. them. ii. don't tell

g. If I bake a cake, …………. have some? i. will you

h. If he …………. you, will you answer the phone? ii. calls



A. Look at the pictures and say what they want to be.

This is a prompt for students to describe the aspirations of the characters in the pictures.

B. Work in pairs. Take turns to complete the sentences.


A: If you want to be a doctor, …………………………

B: You need to study hard.

a. If you want to be an engineer, you need to learn mathematics and physics.

b. If you want to be a pilot, you need to take flying lessons and pass tests.

c. If you want to be a driver, you need to get a driving license.

d. If you want to be a teacher, you need to go to college and study education.

e. If you work hard, you will achieve your goals.

f. If you don't sleep well, you will feel tired the next day.


Writing II

Once there lived a farmer in a village. He was very hardworking. He had three sons. They were very lazy. This worried the farmer. He wanted his sons to take care of his fields as he did. So, one day, he called his sons to his side and said, “Dear sons, there is a great treasure hidden in one of my fields to make sure that you three never go hungry.” After a few days, the farmer died. After that, the sons decided to search for the treasure their father had been talking about. They took the farmer’s spades and mattocks and dug every portion of their field hunting the treasure. But they found nothing.

A friend of their father saw this and suggested that they should sow some seeds. They accepted the suggestion and did the same. It rained well that season. Days passed. The fields rewarded their labor with good crops that season. The sons realized what their father's hidden treasure was. From that day on, the sons started working hard.

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