Friday, July 26, 2024

Class 7 English || Unit 7 Solution || A Trip to a Village

Class 7 English || Unit 7 Solution || A Trip to a Village
A Trip to a Village

A. What are the words/phrases for these meanings below? Find them from the text above and write them down.

a. to use up or finish a supply of something - run out of

b. not feeling physically relaxed - uncomfortable

c. clearly - clearly

d. having many bends - winding

e. started/began a journey - set off

f. the act of looking at something very carefully - examination

g. space - room

B. Now, complete these sentences with the words you found above.

a. I couldn't sleep because the bed was so uncomfortable.

b. They set off for Kathmandu just after 10 a.m.

c. The walk follows a winding path through the forest.

d. Diet and exercise are clearly important for our health.

e. They had run out of time for the trapped miners.

f. After a thorough examination, they announced that the suspicious device was harmless.

g. Is there enough room for all of us to sleep?

C. Are these statements true or false? Write True or False.

a. They drove all day without stopping until the car broke down. - False

b. They forgot to take a map with them. - False

c. Their car stopped because they had run out of petrol. - False

d. They spent a comfortable night in the car. - False

e. They had to push their car to the top of the hill. - False

D. Answer the following questions.

a. Where were the three friends going to spend their holiday?

Ans- They were going to spend their holiday in the mountains.

b. Why was it difficult to see the road?

Ans- It was difficult to see the road because it got dark and it began to rain.

c. How long did they drive until the car stopped after tea?

Ans- They drove for about fifteen miles after tea before the car stopped.

d. What did they ask the driver of the passing car?

Ans- They asked the driver where the village was.

e. What did the driver tell them?

Ans- The driver told them that the village was just on the other side of the hill.

f. What was the first thing they did when they reached the village?

- The first thing they did was find a hotel and have a good breakfast.

E. Past Forms of Verbs

- decided

- set off

- reached

- had

- drove

- stopped

- thought

- found

- could

- came

- asked

- told

- tied

- pulled

- ran

- walked

- spent

Five past forms to talk about myself:

1. I decided to visit my grandparents last summer.

2. We set off early in the morning for the trip.

3. We reached the village by noon.

4. I found my old toys in the attic.

5. We spent the evening telling stories.

Grammar I

B. Match the two halves to make meaningful sentences.

a. We wanted to go to the show- ii. but there weren’t any seats left.

b. Shall we go to the cinema -iii. and watch the film you were talking about?

c. Although burgers are very tasty,- iv. they are not very healthy.

d. My neighbors are friendly- v. but they’re noisy.

e. I feel extremely tired, -i. however, I went to bed late last night.

C. Complete the Sentences

a. I passed the exam, however, I didn't get a better score.

b. Although it was raining, we still went to the park.

c. She worked hard and made a lot of money.

d. I like her but, I don't like her friend.

e. He was late but was allowed to get in.

f. She is rich and helpful.

g. I finished the homework, however it wasn't easy.

h. Although we had an umbrella, we got extremely wet.

i. She didn't want him to see her and hid behind a plant.

j. I don't like running, but I like swimming.

k. She was feeling cold, however, she went for a long walk.

Writing I

A. Ask these questions to your friends. Write down their answers in complete sentences.

Questions Friend 1 Friend 2 Friend 3 Friend 4
When was your last vacation/trip? Last summer Last winter Two months ago Last weekend
Where did you go? To the beach To the mountains To a neighboring city To the countryside
How did you get there? By car By bus By train By bike
Who did you go with? My family My friends My cousins Alone
What did you do? Swam and sunbathed Hiked and camped Sightseeing Relaxed and read

B. Where did you go on your last vacation? Write a short paragraph about it. Try answering the above questions in your paragraph.

Last summer, I went to the beach with my family. We set off early in the morning by car and reached there by noon. We spent the days swimming and sunbathing. In the evenings, we enjoyed local seafood and took long walks along the shore. It was a relaxing and refreshing trip, perfect for recharging before heading back to our daily routines.

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