Sunday, July 28, 2024

Concord (Subject Verb Agreement) || SEE Grammar

Concord (Subject Verb Agreement) || SEE Grammar
Fill in the Blanks

Task A

Fill in the blanks with suitable verbs choosing from the brackets:

1. In my view the police arrested the wrong man. (has, have)

2. Anu and her friends at the fair. (was, were)

3. Every boy and girl to participate. (has, have)

4. A number of students late. (was, were)

5. Everyone’s fingerprints unique. (is, are)

6. Mother, with her daughters and sons, gone to Pokhara. (has, have)

7. Either Riya or her sister often heels. (wear, wears)

8. A pair of plaid trousers in the closet. (is, are)

9. Here the coaches and the players for both teams. (comes, come)

10. One of my friends never make-up. (wear, wears)

11. Billiards his favourite game. (is, are)

12. NEA for Nepal Electricity Authority. (stand, stands)

13. News what editors and news directors say it is. (is, are)

14. One in every three marriages in divorce. (end, ends)

15. Half of the mangoes ripe. (was, were)

16. Suman is one of those people who too hard. (work, works)

17. Pukar must tell me what . (happen, happens)

18. His driver’s license expired. (has, have)

19. I’m of the view that neither of my friends guilty. (was, were)

20. Cookies and cream my favourite flavour. (is, are)

21. Each of the boys taking his own lunch. (is, are)

22. All the books on that shelf to me. (belong, belongs)

23. Incidents of alcohol abuse for many traffic fatalities each year. (account, accounts)

24. either my father or my brothers responsible? (Is, Are)

25. It is one of the best books that been written ever. (has, have)

26. Not only the students but also their instructor been called to the Principal’s office. (has, have)

27. Nothing ever here. (happen, happens)

28. The boy or his friends every day. (run, runs)

29. Anita’s sons visited this place? (Has, Have)

30. One to do it oneself. (like, likes)

31. The team captain, as well as his players, anxious. (is, are)

32. The value of these antiques not been determined. (has, have)

33. Someone carelessly left the door open. (has, have)

34. The West Indies thousands of tiny islands. (has, have)

35. Every man, woman, and child love and understanding. (need, needs)

36. The young sometimes to change society. (want, wants)

37. One of my friends to come with us tonight. (wants, want)

38. Neither the manager nor his staff anything about this. (know, knows)

39. There time to watch the movie. (is, are)

40. Everyone to find their own path in life. (has, have)

Task B

Fill in the blanks with suitable verbs choosing from the brackets:

1. the news on at five or six? (Is, Are, Were)

2. The cost of socks and belts very high in this store. (is, are)

3. either my brothers or my father responsible? (Is, Are)

4. The data not support his conclusions. (do, does)

5. The price of these jeans reasonable. (is, are)

6. There a lot of unemployed people right now. (is, are)

7. The number of books required for that course five. (is, are)

8. Where the new students? (is, are)

9. No boy and no girl dancing in the party. (was, were)

10. Where the rest of the workers? Call them. (is, are)

11. One of my neighbours taking care of my pet dog while I’m away. (is, are)

12. Which shirt do you want to wear today? Either fine with me. (is, are)

13. One-third of the city unemployed. (is, are)

14. On the table the goodies! (is, are)

15. Who what the future will bring? (know, knows)

16. Several students passed in the first division. (has, have)

17. Nothing in its proper place. (is, are)

18. Smoking not allowed in the hall. (was, were)

19. Either the President or the Vice signed the document. (has, have)

20. The number of chairs required for that hall sixty-five. (is, are)

21. Nobody entered the room. (has, have)

22. There were fifteen candies in that bag. Now there only one left! (is, are)

23. A car with poor brakes and no brake light dangerous. (is, are, were)

24. Both men and women allowed to enter the pool. (is, are)

25. Four years a long time to spend away from your friends and family. (is, are)

26. Bread and butter our daily food. (is, are)

27. A number of students taking the exam. (is, are)

28. Everyone the right to adequate food and clean water. (has, have)

29. Milan, as well as his friends, going to study in the same school. (is, are)

30. Mona’s plans seemed well thought out from the beginning. (has, have)

31. The poor in many cities in slums. (live, lives)

32. One plus one two. (equal, equals)

33. The ducks on the lake in large groups. (swim, swims)

34. Here some new students. (is, are)

35. The famous singer and composer ready to show his performance. (is, are)

36. The Great Pyramids in Egypt. (is, are)

37. The last question on the test very difficult. (is, are)

38. The man with all the dogs down the street. (walk, walks)

39. The mass media become pervasive in our society. (has, have)

40. Nobody the trouble I’ve seen. (know, knows)

41. The New York Times a newspaper. (is, are)

42. The dishes in the kitchen dirty. (is, are)

43. Everybody in this team really hard to please the new coach. (try, tries)

44. The people who survived the explosion in a shelter. (is, are)

Task C

Fill in the blanks with suitable verbs choosing from the brackets:

1. The number of big rivers in this country ninety. (is, are)

2. A red and a yellow bird sitting in that tree. (is, are)

3. Either the driver or the passengers responsible for paying the parking ticket. (is, are)

4. There a lot of poetry books in the library. (is, are)

5. Either your coat or my shoes always on the floor. (is, are)

6. Neither the boys nor the girls in the park eating ice-creams. (was, were)

7. There twice as many pigs in Denmark as people. (is, are)

8. Neither you nor I there. (was, were)

9. A series of books been published on oil. (has, have)

10. A small percentage of the grain ruined by the prolonged rain. (was, were)

11. After class, Tina always for a computer class. (run, runs)

12. Either of those books adequate. (is, are)

13. All of the clocks in the city at about the same time. (strike, strikes)

14. One-third of the people unemployed. (is, are)

15. Politics what he enjoys the most. (is, are)

16. The number of students taking the exam eighty. (is, are)

17. Everyone in this school very friendly towards my brother. (was, were)

18. Precisely thirty years his tenure of office. (was, were)

19. Quite a few people to think that Karan is innocent. (seem, seems)

20. These materials been synthesized from a variety of sources. (has, have)

21. Neither Mary nor her brothers what happened. (know, knows)

22. Two hours not enough to complete the task. (is, are)

23. Either my father or my brothers decided to buy this house. (has, have, is)

24. A lot of people Alok to be too quiet. (consider, considers)

25. Neither of us able to predict the outcome of today’s game. (was, were)

26. Eight minus two six. (is, are)

27. One family in ten a dishwasher in that country. (own, owns)

28. Everyone inner doubts. (has, have)

29. The power cuts in Nepal likely to last for five or six years. (is, are)

30. Every man and woman the right to good medical care. (has, have)

31. These scissors designed for left-handed people. (is, are)

32. Those trousers made of wool. (is, are)

33. Neither of the statements true. (is, are)

34. Three hours the maximum length of time allowed for the exam. (is, are)

35. My father says there never anything worth watching on TV. (is, are)

36. My friends who are in the band me to play a musical instrument. (wants, want)

37. Sabnam and her brothers at school. (is, are)

38. Several of the students decided to join the course. (has, have)

39. Two-thirds of the work left undone. (was, were)

40. Watching violence on TV some children more aggressive. (make, makes)

41. No dresses of that colour available with us. (is, are)

42. Ali and Imran often with each other. (argue, argues)

43. Some of the books on the shelf dusty. (is, are)

44. Two multiplied by six twelve. (equal, equals)

Task D

Fill in the blanks with suitable verbs choosing from the brackets:

1. A fool and his money soon parted. (is, am, are)

2. The Prime Minister, accompanied by his wife, travelling to India next week. (is, was, are)

3. Anyone who to pursue higher education has to pass entrance exams. (want, wants, wanted)

4. Anil, as well as his younger brothers, going to study at that school. (is, were, are)

5. Four years a long time to spend away from your friends and family. (is, were, are)

6. Statistics been revised as a course approach far too long. (hasn’t, haven’t, weren’t)

7. You and I supposed to clean the room before Mom gets home. (is, am, are)

8. Neither of the statements false. (is, am, are)

9. Still waters deep. (run, runs, has run)

10. Eating 5 servings of fruits and vegetables daily said to provide all the essential vitamins we require. (is, are, was)

11. The last questions on the test very difficult. (was, were, is)

12. The famous singer and composer arrived. (has, have, is)

13. Collecting stamps one of his favourite pastimes. (was, were, is)

14. The quality of these DVD players poor. (are, were, is)

15. The news of the economic decline been upsetting his father. (has, have, were)

16. The poor suffering. (is, was, are)

17. Not only the students but also their instructor been called to the Principal’s office. (has, have, were)

18. All of the books, including yours, in that box. (is, was, are)

19. The police made any arrests lately. (hasn’t, haven’t, wasn’t)

20. The price of these jeans reasonable. (is, were, are)

21. The books borrowed from the library on my desk. (is, was, are)

22. The Himalayan Times sold widely. (is, were, are)

23. Bread and butter our daily food. (is, were, are)

24. Three-quarters of the workers against the new system. (is, was, are)

25. Each of the students given ten minutes to speak on child rights. (are, was, were)

26. Here your notebook and dictionary. (is, was, are)

27. Economics almost as fascinating as accounting. (is, am, are)

28. A number of people sitting on the grass. (is, am, are)

29. Each of the worker given new safety equipment. (were, was, are)

30. Ten million gallons of oil spilt. (were, was, are)

31. Each cat and each dog in this animal shelter eventually placed in a good home. (is, are, have)

32. A number of students absent. (is, am, are)

33. Every silver knife, fork, and spoon to be counted. (is, were, are)

34. Where one of the letters from Mr. Sahani? (is, were, are)

35. Neither the basket nor the apples expensive. (is, was, are)

36. There no reason for you to be missing so much work. (is, was, are)

37. God helps them that themselves. (help, helps, is helping)

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