Monday, July 29, 2024

Tense || Past, Present and Future || SEE Grammar

Tense || Past, Present and Future || SEE Grammar
Tense Exercise

Task A

Put the verb in brackets in the correct form:

1. Yesterday evening at 11.30 we ......................... at the party. (dance)

2. Pukar ......................... 20 pages so far. (read)

3. Sudha ......................... here between 2003 and 2006. (work)

4. Anna’s father ......................... a car next year. (buy)

5. ......................... she ......................... tomato juice? No, she doesn’t. (like)

6. Please don’t make so much noise. I ......................... (study).

7. I ......................... quite a lot of mountains. (climb)

8. In 2001, Kabir ......................... China with a group of friends. (visit)

9. In all his career, Himesh never ......................... one day of work. (miss)

10. It ......................... a lot in November. (not rain)

11. John is playing a game of tennis. He ......................... for 2 hours. (play)

12. Last year Nina’s uncle ......................... all over Australia. (travel)

13. Kumar ......................... me anything two days ago. (not give)

14. Mum can’t come to the phone because she ......................... a shower now. (have)

15. Mary is still watching TV. She ......................... TV all day. (watch)

16. His uncle ......................... engaged since July. (be)

17. What ......................... you ......................... since August? (do)

18. Anant ......................... the middle child in his family. (be)

19. He ......................... a lot in his childhood. (suffer)

20. Last year some students ......................... a terrible case of the flu. (have)

21. Linda ......................... already ......................... her car. (park)

22. We ......................... in an apartment before. (stay)

23. Listen! Somebody ......................... upstairs. (come)

24. He ......................... us for six months by the end of next month. (teach)

25. The teacher ......................... English since the beginning of this lesson. (speak)

Task B

Put the verb in brackets in the correct form:

1. The bus ......................... at 6.25 a.m. (leave)

2. You look tired! Yes I ......................... very hard. (work)

3. The weather ......................... horrible yesterday. (be)

4. The world population ......................... at the rate of 2.5% every year. (increase)

5. They ......................... the work yet. (not complete)

6. This house ......................... for several days. (not clean)

7. In the future, people ......................... more modern houses and flying cars. (have)

8. Binod ......................... to the cinema yesterday. (go)

9. We ......................... down at a free table and waited for the waiter. (sit)

10. What ......................... you ......................... at nine o’clock yesterday? (do)

11. He ......................... to Pokhara many times. (be)

12. Suman always ......................... pizza in expensive restaurants. (eat)

13. I ......................... three chapters by 3 o’clock. (revise)

14. Nowadays the water resources ......................... polluted. (get)

15. I ......................... her at the museum last Sunday. (see)

16. We ......................... the same car for twelve years. (have)

17. Sabnam ......................... the same table for ten minutes. (wipe)

18. I ......................... him for a long time. (know)

19. Look! Somebody ......................... water on the floor. (spill)

Task C

Rewrite the following sentences choosing correct alternatives from the brackets:

1. The teacher ......................... (already left, had already left, has left already) the class.

2. Urmila ......................... (was writing, had written, wrote) a letter when I saw her in the room.

3. We generally ......................... (went, go, gone) for jogging in the morning.

4. When I last saw you, you ......................... (are thinking, were thinking, have thought) of moving to Dharan.

5. I asked him what he ......................... before his father came. (had be done, has been done, had done)

6. My birthday ......................... on a Saturday this year. (is falling, will fall, falls)

7. She always ......................... great care of her books. (takes, is taking, has taken)

8. When I pushed him, he ......................... (was falling, fell, fallen) there.

9. Vivek ......................... (is painting, has painted, was painting) his bicycle. It looks nice.

10. We ......................... learning English for the last seven years. (have been, were, will have been)

11. She has been painting the walls for three hours. She ......................... (has finished, had finished, hasn’t finished) it yet.

12. The school ......................... its silver jubilee next year. (will celebrate, celebrated, has been celebrating)

13. I ......................... on holiday three weeks ago. (am going, went, go)

14. In my childhood, I usually ......................... (left, was leaving, had left) the school at midday.

15. In three hours my father ......................... (will arrive, will have arrived, will be arriving) home.

16. Listen! Someone ......................... (is singing, sings, will sing)

17. At this time tomorrow, I ......................... (shall watch, shall be watching, shall have watched) a movie on television.

18. Look, the children ......................... (is playing, are playing, were playing)

19. I ......................... a haircut once a month. (have, will have, am having)

20. By the time we reached home, it ......................... (will have, had, has) been dark.

21. When the bus arrived, he ......................... on it. (got, had got, was getting)

22. When the bus arrived, we ......................... (were getting, had got, got) on it.

23. I ......................... (feel, am feeling, has been feeling) cold at present.

24. Sunita ......................... her father yet. (did not see, has not seen, will not see)

25. After he ......................... (had taken, took, takes) meat, he paid the bill.

Task D

Rewrite the following sentences choosing correct alternatives from the brackets:

1. We ......................... all that corn by the end of the year. (have eaten, will have eaten, will be eating)

2. “What do you do on your days off?” “I do nothing. I ......................... in bed all day.” (was lying, lay, lie)

3. When I first met her, she ......................... in the park. (sat, was sitting, will be sitting)

4. They ......................... in the field. That is why they are all covered with mud. (worked, have been working, will be working)

5. I ......................... him for three years. I wonder where he is. (have not been seeing, have not seen, did not see)

6. Buses to Pokhara ......................... my house every hour. (pass, will pass, passed)

7. Can I borrow your book or you ......................... it at the moment? (read, are reading, will be reading)

8. I ......................... my photograph taken tomorrow. (have, will have, have had)

9. My mother usually does the shopping, but I ......................... it today as she isn’t well. (am doing, will have done, do)

10. By next winter they ......................... a lot of money. (will earn, will have earned, had earned)

11. When I arrived at the stadium, the players had just entered the ground and the audience ......................... (had clapped, were clapping, are clapping)

12. She’s on a diet. She ......................... nothing but bananas for the last month. (has been eating, was eating, ate)

13. My mother ......................... some onions when the light went out. (fried, was frying, has fried)

14. I ......................... a new dress. Come and look at it. (bought, have bought, will buy)

15. They ......................... this work in two hours. (will be finishing, will have finished, will finish)

16. Binod is not working now; he ......................... TV. (watches, was watching, is watching)

17. I ......................... for you at the bus stop when you get off the bus. (will wait, will be waiting, have been waiting)

18. It is a lovely day. The sun ......................... and the birds are singing. (shines, is shining, has been shining)

19. Someone ......................... at the door. Shall I answer it? (is knocking, knocks, knocked)

20. Who ......................... to on the telephone as I came in? (are you talking, were you talking, will you be talking)

21. Amit usually wears black dresses but when I last saw him he ......................... a red dress. (wore, wears, was wearing)

22. She ......................... this book by tomorrow evening. After that, you can borrow it. (will be finishing, will have finished, will finish)

23. “What ......................... now?” “He is brushing his teeth.” (Mohan is doing, does Mohan do, is Mohan doing)

24. Pemba ......................... in Dharan for five years and then went to Kathmandu. (lived, has lived, has been living)

25. Mr. Sahani writes several stories. He ......................... just ......................... a fairy tale. (has finished, had finished, will have finished)

26. “The newspaper ........................., hasn’t it?” “Yes, Suman is reading it.” (came, has come, will come)

27. It ......................... for a week now. There’ll be a big flood soon. (was raining, has been raining, is raining)

28. His father ......................... home at 8.00 every day for work. (is leaving, leaves, has left)

Task E

Rewrite the following sentences choosing correct forms of verbs from the brackets:

1. I ......................... a little money in my wallet. (have, am having, has)

2. Anu ......................... (has done, has been doing, is doing) her homework for 3 hours.

3. I ......................... him since I met him at school. (know, knew, have known)

4. When Suren came home, he was carrying five fish. He ......................... all day. (was fishing, will be fishing, had been fishing)

5. She has been writing an article for an hour. She ......................... two paragraphs so far. (writes, has been writing, has written)

6. The phone ......................... three times while we were doing our homework. (rings, rang, will ring)

7. The poor harvest ......................... prices to rise sharply last year. (caused, is caused, will cause)

8. The Principal ......................... these boys smoking in the canteen. (catch, catching, caught)

9. I ......................... him since Monday. (does not see, did not see, have not seen)

10. Take the umbrella. It ......................... outside. (is raining, rain, raining)

11. The bank ......................... a branch in a new shopping centre last month. (open, opened, will open)

12. At 3 pm yesterday I ......................... (was washing, washed, had been washing) for two hours.

13. Be quick. The police ......................... (is chasing, are chasing, chased) us.

14. I ......................... (prepare, is preparing, was preparing) dinner when the telephone rang.

15. Before the sun ......................... (sank, had sunk, has sunk) behind the horizon, we had completed our work.

16. By the time the policeman came, the thieves ......................... (ran, had run, will have run) away.

17. By the time he comes here, it ......................... (had, has, will have) been very late.

18. When the door bell rang, I ......................... (am bathing, was bathing, bathe)

19. The police siren ......................... to wail in the street last night. (begin, began, will begin)

20. When I saw them, they ......................... (are dancing, have been dancing, were dancing)

21. My son has booked an air ticket. He ......................... (will fly, flies, is flying) to Delhi tomorrow.

22. Neha ......................... (fell, was falling, had fallen) asleep when she was reading.

23. While we woke up, it ......................... outside. (will snow, is snowing, was snowing)

24. Sabnam ......................... certain to win the competition. (is looking, looks, will look)

25. A boy is hanging on a mango tree. He ......................... (will have fall, is going to fall, falls) down.

26. After he ......................... his dinner, he drank a cup of coffee. (was eating, eat, had eaten)

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