Task A
Complete each sentence with an appropriate tag:
1. The night bus service isn’t very convenient, is it?
2. Kiran doesn’t really want that, does she?
3. There’s nothing wrong, is there?
4. Sam hardly ever goes out, does he?
5. We’ll be all right in our waterproofs, won’t we?
6. So you bought a car, did you?
7. The child slept a little in the afternoon, didn't he/she?
8. Some people are really crazy, aren’t they?
9. That dress isn’t decent, is it?
10. Somebody has parked the car in front of the exit, haven’t they?
11. This hairstyle doesn’t suit Bimala, does it?
12. There isn’t any soccer violence in your country, is there?
13. You didn’t play last Thursday, did you?
14. A lot of lost property is never claimed, is it?
15. You play tennis on Thursdays usually, don’t you?
16. He doesn’t know what he’s doing, does he?
17. Suman hardly cares what he does any more, does he?
18. You went there, didn't you?
19. He has only one spare room for me, doesn’t he?
20. Your brother can’t drive, can he?
21. He made lots of new friends in China, didn't he?
22. A viral illness left her barely able to walk, didn’t it?
23. Don’t be too upset about it, will you?
24. You don’t like football, do you?
25. There are six pencils in the bag, aren’t there?
26. You’re new here, aren’t you?
27. They’re not exactly slim, are they?
28. There won’t be too many people at the party, will there?
29. The large jet roared across the sky, didn’t it?
30. The layout here has changed, hasn’t it?
31. Don’t forget to bolt the door, will you?
32. The old man hobbled down the street, didn’t he?
33. Don’t come too close, will you?
34. You wouldn’t hurt me, would you?
35. She could scarcely complain, could she?
36. You’re not accepting that job offer, are you?
37. She has got hardly any money, has she?
38. You wouldn’t want to invite my friend, would you?
39. They will wash the car, won’t they?
40. You have to go, don’t you?
41. They left the place before sunrise, didn’t they?
42. The matter has been very serious, hasn’t it?
43. You speak Chinese, don’t you?
44. Nothing was there, was there?
45. He’s the one person I can trust, isn’t he?
Task B
Complete each sentence with an appropriate tag:
1. The river flooded last week, didn't it?
2. He was one of the most talented actors of his generation, wasn't he?
3. We need stronger discipline in the school, don’t we?
4. They worked hard to bring some drastic changes in their factory, didn’t they?
5. That was a boring speech, wasn’t it?
6. I have been answering, haven’t I?
7. You don’t really help her, do you?
8. I am right, aren’t I?
9. Three of my friends are coming to dinner, aren’t they?
10. Don’t hit it so hard, will you?
11. Tuesday is her half day, isn't it?
12. Let’s meet at 8, shall we?
13. You’ve been there, haven’t you?
14. Don’t be absurd, will you?
15. Everybody loves him, don’t they?
16. He barely had time to catch the train, did he?
17. There’s hardly any tea left, is there?
18. He can barely form a grammatical sentence, can he?
19. You’ve done a lot of travelling, haven’t you?
20. Don’t wear that dress, will you?
21. Nothing came in the post, did it?
22. He’s got a very peculiar voice, hasn't he?
23. One can teach oneself to play the piano, can't one?
24. I’m always right, aren’t I?
25. This machine only accepts coins, doesn’t it?
26. Open the window, will you?
27. No one can prevent you from entering the hall, can they?
28. Somebody was beating at the door, weren’t they?
29. I’ve been teaching for sixteen years, haven’t I?
30. It hardly rained at all last summer, did it?
31. Something happened at Riya’s house, didn’t it?
32. I’m older than you, aren’t I?
33. She was barely able to stand, was she?
34. It’s windy today, isn’t it?
35. Nobody called me, did they?
36. She’s going to have a baby soon, isn’t she?
37. The children were very fond of one another, weren’t they?
38. The English alphabet doesn’t have 40 letters, does it?
39. They hardly meet each other, do they?
40. I’m correct, aren’t I?
41. The food at the hotel was barely edible, was it?
42. Let’s go for a drive, shall we?
43. The girl fed the baby, didn’t she?
44. Pandas live in China, don’t they?
45. Roshan left the house before noon, didn't he?
Task C
Complete each sentence with an appropriate tag:
1. Their new house is very comfortable, isn’t it?
2. It’s so lovely sitting here in the sun, isn’t it?
3. Those handwritings aren’t very clear, are they?
4. He has not been proved guilty yet, has he?
5. You think you’re really intelligent, don’t you?
6. Say something to me in Chinese, will you?
7. Nobody helped them, did they?
8. Seema put the camera in the drawer, didn’t she?
9. Let’s go for a walk, shall we?
10. You won’t be late, will you?
11. Let’s go out now and eat afterwards, shall we?
12. Sign here, please, will you?
13. He’s still sleeping, isn’t he?
14. Sit down a moment, will you?
15. Somebody threw tomatoes at the minister, didn’t they?
16. Let’s take a break, shall we?
17. That uniform makes the students look smart, doesn’t it?
18. Look after this for a moment, will you?
19. One likes to do it oneself, doesn’t one?
20. Let’s play a trick on him, shall we?
21. We hardly know each other, do we?
22. These are the main points, aren’t they?
23. Let’s go to the pub tonight, shall we?
24. She hardly ever calls me, does she?
25. We won’t be late, will we?
26. You and I are busy right now, aren’t we?
27. Her style of dress was never conservative, was it?
28. His uncle is at work right now, isn’t he?
29. I am a good worker, aren’t I?
30. Something is there, isn’t it?
31. She spent hardly any of the money, did she?
32. I’m coming with you, aren’t I?
33. Sony plays with you, doesn't she?
34. I am ready for the next exercise, aren’t I?
35. Shilpa never comes here, does she?
36. Teresa is an accountant, isn’t she?
37. That dress was a really good buy, wasn’t it?
38. He reads a lot of books, doesn’t he?
39. You’ve been working late again, haven’t you?
40. I don’t need to say any more, do I?
41. You haven’t broken that as well, have you?
42. I never eat a big dinner, do I?
43. You’re sad that I’m going, aren’t you?
44. Sona and Mona are twin sisters, aren’t they?
45. The car sped along the road, didn’t it?
46. The food in that restaurant wasn’t very good, was it?
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